
End users and dealers both love the way Skymira’s satellite RoIP solutions seamlessly integrate into traditional LMR networks.

Users love being able to use equipment that’s familiar and ideal for their application. They keep their radios while eliminating coverage gaps, gaining seamless interoperability, and hardening communications against outages and disasters.

Dealers love the LMR sales generated when companies and agencies add Skymira’s solutions. Instead of replacing traditional radios, integrated RoIP systems increase coverage and create new applications for them.

How It Works

RoIP (radio over IP) changes the way communications are routed without changing the LMR interface users are accustomed to.

  • What’s Different – RoIP gateways convert push-to-talk (PTT) radio transmissions into IP packets. This fundamentally alters the way land mobile radio (LMR) signals travel. The converted IP packets travel over internet networks – LTE, WIFI, or Satellite – instead of RF networks which gives them an infinite range. With RoIP, a handheld radio user can send a PTT message across the world as if the receiver was a few yards away.
  • What’s the Same – Despite this fundamental shift behind the scenes, nothing changes for the sender or receiver. Portable and mobile radio users carry on as usual without changing routines or protocols.
  • What’s New – The underlying change becomes apparent when you begin adding internet-based devices. With Skymira’s reinvented RoIP solutions, you can have a talk group that includes portable two-way radios, vehicle radios, smartphones, tablets, dispatch consoles, and more. Each user is able to utilize the device that best fits their needs while staying in touch – in real-time – with the rest of the team.

For LMR Radio Users

It’s easy to see why end-users love a system that combines the infinite range of satellites, the seamless interoperability of the internet, and the inherent resilience of non-terrestrial infrastructure with an LMR network.

  • Easy to Implement – Because you’re keeping the radios you’re familiar with, there isn’t a painful learning curve when adding satellite RoIP to part or all of a network. No need to purchase and learn special satellite radios or IP radios – use the equipment you like or what works best for your department or business.
  • Easy to Budget – Flat-rate, talk-all-day satellite plans are easy to budget. Add to that the fact that you don’t have to replace good, existing equipment. With these advances, satellite connectivity becomes an affordable option for filling gaps and preparing for disasters.
  • Easy to Scale – It’s easy to grow with Skymira solutions. Interoperability means you don’t have to worry about overhauling your communications system down the road when new applications arise that require different radios or devices. New components can simply be added to the network. Skymira carefully ensures that each of the solutions we offer is compatible with all the others. This means that as you expand your reach, you can have confidence that everything will run smoothly and you’ll be able to scale the system.
  • Easy to Collaborate – Seamless interoperability means that it is easy to collaborate with other companies and agencies. Incompatible bandwidths and disparate devices are no problem for integrated RoIP solutions. This means that it isn’t necessary to use the same LMR equipment being used by others in your industry if something different works better for your application.

Satellite LMR For Dealers

It’s a common misconception that satellite RoIP replaces LMR. The opposite is true – it generates LMR sales. This means satellite isn’t just a good deal for end users, it’s a boon for dealers, too.

  • No competition – Skymira doesn’t sell radios. Our solutions don’t compete with LMR sales and don’t replace LMR infrastructure. Far from rendering them obsolete, Skymira’s solutions strengthen LMR systems and expand their range and practical uses.
  • Generating LMR sales – Increasing the range and use for LMR equipment results in companies and agencies needing more radios. Last week, for instance, a company servicing the oil and gas industry asked for a recommendation on which radios they should buy from their local dealer. They’ll be able to use the radios now thanks to Skymira’s satellite LMR gateways filling in network gaps.

Are you or a customer looking for ways to fill gaps in a communications network? Contact one of our experts to learn how satellite RoIP can strengthen your LMR system.