Explorer MSAT-G3
Skymira announces the new Explorer MSAT-G3 satellite Push-To-Talk (PTT) and GPS Tracking platform.
In partnership with Ligado Networks, Cobham, and ViaSat; Skymira is pleased to announce the arrival of the Explorer MSAT-G3 Push-To-Talk (PTT) radio system.
The 1st major upgrade of the MSAT-G2 platform since 2007, the EXPLORER MSAT-G3 features next-generation IP technology and services including:
INTEROPERABILITY — Adding Explorer MSAT-G3’s to your existing Land-Mobile-Radio (LMR) talk groups, or MSAT-G2 and SMART talks groups is seamless and transparent.
SMARTPHONE PTT — You can now PTT from your Smartphone with your existing LMR talk groups
LMR INTEGRATION — Built-in support for Land-Mobile-Radios ensures over-the-horizon communications.
GPS TRACKING — Explorer MSAT-G3 GPS Tracking is available on Skymira’s GPS Tracking web portal or stream GPS reports into your Computer Aided Dispatch system (CAD).
WIRELESS IP DATA — Built-in WiFi and Bluetooth makes the Explorer MSAT-G3 an ideal platform for a broad range of workflow automation (eForms) and M2M (equipment & sensor) applications.
REDUNDANT COMMUNICATIONS — The Explorer MSAT-G3 automatically routes PTT and IP data between LTE/3G/LAN/SAT.
ENCRYPTION — Secure AES-256 encryption ensures the highest commercial encryption currently available.
RUGGED HARDWARE — Designed and manufactured for years of harsh duty, the lightweight one-piece design has no moving parts and a high IP-66 rating.