Top 5 Misconceptions about Satellite RoIP
When you hear the words satellite RoIP, what comes to mind? If you’re like a lot of the LMR users...
Private Security Gets 100% Coverage
The Need (For security reasons, the following scenario is hypothetical) Principal X, a client of a...
21 Reasons You Need RoIP Solutions
Skymira’s reinvented RoIP (RoIP 2.0) solutions solve your everyday communications challenges and...
Quick Tip: Cords, Windows & Weather
Looking for a way to run cords through your vehicle windows without letting heat, rain, wind, or...
Radio Over IP (ROIP)
RADIO OVER IPRadio communications over the Internet (RoIP) enable redundancy, increased range and...
When COWs Make Bubbles
How to pick a disaster-proof comms system that meets your needs.After a Disaster When a hurricane...
Good News for our Southern and Midwestern US Customers!
Skymira is excited to announce that we are extending our global sales and service model to include...
What Can You Do if FirstNet Goes Down?
What can you do if FirstNet goes down? FirstNet asked that question recently and it’s a critically...
Operations at the Border – Solving a Communication Nightmare
Along the Border: Disparate Radios and Coverage Gaps Operations along the border sounds like a...
BK / KNG Radio over Satellite
Remote Radio Networks Wildland fire crews often work in remote areas where huge tracts of land...
How the Bahamas’ Motorola LMR Will Survive the Next Hurricane
Problem When Hurricane Dorian devastated the Bahamas in 2019, it leveled cellular and land mobile...
What is Roip and What Can Radio Over Internet Protocol (Radio Over IP) Be Used For?
What is RoIP? Radio over Internet Protocol (RoIP) is a technology that allows two-way radio...